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Top 4 Breast Augmentation Trends to Follow This Year

Whether you choose to call it the "Kardashian" effect, today, every woman wants to talk about cosmetic procedures like injectables, butt lifts, dermal fillers, Botox, and of course, breast Augmentation! So much discussion and debate hurl around non-surgical treatments to help freeze fat off or melt it away. However, in our modern age, when posting cosmetic treatment over the internet has become the norm, why shouldn't people openly discuss the breast augmentation in Atlanta topic? Even though doctors continue to witness a rise in their patient's requests for the best non-invasive aesthetic procedures, the breast augmentation procedure remains among the most popular surgical procedures. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, "Over a quarter million surgeries took place just in the previous year." Since the year 2000, the rate continues to rise up by about 30% annually, so it is quite clear to see that women still seek bigger breasts. Another thing surgeons notice is an increase in women wanting smaller breast implants (for example, more C-cups rather than DD Cups). Across the United States, a trend you also get to see is medium to full B size cups. While the breast augmentation procedure of previous years would focus on getting the results that would attract obvious attention, the trends today highlight a more natural, smooth and contoured look. The desire for a more "obviously natural" look clearly drives this shift in terms of preference. At Crispin Plastic Surgery, more women request to have a subtle, rather than an obvious change in the size of their breasts.

Encyclopedia of Surgery

When you decide to plan your procedure, you should discuss all the latest trends in breast augmentation with your surgeon, who would help you to choose the best options to meet your body goals. However, here are four-breast augmentations options that you may want to consider to get the best optimal results.

1.     The Gummy Bear Implant Revolution

In silicone technology, "gummy bear implants" represent a crucial advancement. Although this technology has been around for over three decades, in the United States, there's a recent revolution. When you research on the breast implant types, you will come across two common types, silicone, or saline. You should know that silicone implants are a type of silicone ones that consist of a special, stable-form silicone cohesive gel. This helps to provide two major benefits.
  • First, since the gel is able to hold its shape, even if cut in a half or punctured, there's a lower risk of complications if a rupture occurs.
  • Secondly, these implants come in tear dropped shapes, meaning they appear fuller at the bottom and a narrower shape (slightly tapered) toward the top. Such implants closely mimic the curves of natural breasts, giving a more natural, smooth look to your augmentation.

2.     Smaller Implants

Rather than dramatic, or very large breast implants that may look unbalanced or fake, the latest trend in breast augmentation is to opt for more modest, smaller breast implant sizes. The important key here is to work with your plastic surgeon and choose an implant profile that would meet your goals and keep your natural body proportions in the right way. "The size of implants is best measured in cubic centimeters, and not bra cup size." When you meet your surgeon in the initial consultation, you can ask for some tips to help you visualize what your results would look like. For example, rice sizers let you see as well as feel different sizes of implants on your own body. This is helpful to bring in an idea of the kind of swimsuit top you wish to fit into after the augmentation procedure. In addition, before and after breast augmentation photos will help you with this also, as long as you look at women who chose similar breast implants as the body goal you wish to achieve.

3.     Having a Natural Look

Keep in mind that newer augmentation options such as gummy bear implants all combined with the recent trends lead to a more modest, and smaller size to create a natural look. The results today of a breast augmentation do not have the obvious implants; rather, they help you achieve the right boost volume that you want to look like yourself. You can also discuss with your surgeon about the options in incisions, to be sure of the final one that would affect your results. For example, choosing the periareolar incision can help to minimize the incision appearance, and allow scarring to camouflage easily. You should just be sure that you communicate all your body goals with your surgeon during the initial consultation.

4.     Adding a New Breast Lift

When it comes to breast augmentation, there are many reasons why women choose to include a breast lift in their breast augmentation procedure. Some reasons may be due to massive weight loss, pregnancy, and for example, this can result in the breasts sagging, as well as a lowered breast position. At other times, a breast lift surgery helps to correct breast asymmetry. If you think that you are a suitable candidate for the combination of breast implants and breast lift, you can ask your surgeon whether you are a good candidate for the surgery or not and seek their professional opinion during the initial consultation. #Kardashianeffect #KimKardashian
Top 4 Breast Augmentation Trends to Follow This Year

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